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Convert Jpg To Png In Photoshop

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to convert Jpg image to Png in Photoshop. Let's begin. I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6.

What Is Jpg File:

Jpg file is a type of image format. This file will be named with the extension of ".jpg". This image does not have a transparent background.

What Is Png File:

Png file is one of another type of image format. This file will be named with the extension of ".png". This image has a transparent background.

Convert Jpg To Png In Photoshop

Step 1: Start the Photoshop and open the Jpg image in Photoshop. Select the "Quick Selection Tool" and select the portion of the image which you want to show with a transparent background. Now press control+C together by this your portion will get copied.

Convert Jpg To Png In Photoshop

Step 2: Go to file and click on "New" or press "Control+N", by this one popup prompt will get open. In this prompt, you can set the properties for your new image. The height and width for your new image will be automatically set based on your copied image if you want you can modify it. Now make sure that you select the "Background content" as "Transparent". Then click on "OK", now your image tab will be open, just press "Control+V" this will paste the copied image. If you want to adjust the image just press "Control+T"(Free Transformation Tool), then adjust size and position.

Convert Jpg To Png In Photoshop

Step 3: Now Press "Control+S" or go to "File -> Save as" for saving your image. After this step new prompt will open, in this just give your image particular name and select extension as ".Png". Congo your Jpg image converted into Png.

Convert Jpg To Png In Photoshop

Hope you got a good idea of Convert Jpg To Png In Photoshop, How to convert jpg to png, Convert jpg to png online and Convert jpg to png. If you have any query please comment below.

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